
264 lines
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// Package gomatrix implements the Matrix Client-Server API.
// Specification can be found at http://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.2.0.html
// Example usage of this library: (blocking version)
// cli, _ := gomatrix.NewClient("https://matrix.org", "@example:matrix.org", "MDAefhiuwehfuiwe")
// syncer := cli.Syncer.(*gomatrix.DefaultSyncer)
// syncer.OnEventType("m.room.message", func(ev *gomatrix.Event) {
// fmt.Println("Message: ", ev)
// })
// if err := cli.Sync(); err != nil {
// fmt.Println("Sync() returned ", err)
// }
// To make the example non-blocking, call Sync() in a goroutine.
package gomatrix
import (
// Client represents a Matrix client.
type Client struct {
HomeserverURL *url.URL // The base homeserver URL
Prefix string // The API prefix eg '/_matrix/client/r0'
UserID string // The user ID of the client. Used for forming HTTP paths which use the client's user ID.
AccessToken string // The access_token for the client.
syncingMutex sync.Mutex // protects syncingID
syncingID uint32 // Identifies the current Sync. Only one Sync can be active at any given time.
Client *http.Client // The underlying HTTP client which will be used to make HTTP requests.
Syncer Syncer // The thing which can process /sync responses
Store Storer // The thing which can store rooms/tokens/ids
// HTTPError An HTTP Error response, which may wrap an underlying native Go Error.
type HTTPError struct {
WrappedError error
Message string
Code int
func (e HTTPError) Error() string {
var wrappedErrMsg string
if e.WrappedError != nil {
wrappedErrMsg = e.WrappedError.Error()
return fmt.Sprintf("%s: %d: %s", e.Message, e.Code, wrappedErrMsg)
// BuildURL builds a URL with the Client's homserver/prefix/access_token set already.
func (cli *Client) BuildURL(urlPath ...string) string {
ps := []string{cli.Prefix}
for _, p := range urlPath {
ps = append(ps, p)
return cli.BuildBaseURL(ps...)
// BuildBaseURL builds a URL with the Client's homeserver/access_token set already. You must
// supply the prefix in the path.
func (cli *Client) BuildBaseURL(urlPath ...string) string {
// copy the URL. Purposefully ignore error as the input is from a valid URL already
hsURL, _ := url.Parse(cli.HomeserverURL.String())
parts := []string{hsURL.Path}
parts = append(parts, urlPath...)
hsURL.Path = path.Join(parts...)
query := hsURL.Query()
query.Set("access_token", cli.AccessToken)
hsURL.RawQuery = query.Encode()
return hsURL.String()
// BuildURLWithQuery builds a URL with query paramters in addition to the Client's homeserver/prefix/access_token set already.
func (cli *Client) BuildURLWithQuery(urlPath []string, urlQuery map[string]string) string {
u, _ := url.Parse(cli.BuildURL(urlPath...))
q := u.Query()
for k, v := range urlQuery {
q.Set(k, v)
u.RawQuery = q.Encode()
return u.String()
// Sync starts syncing with the provided Homeserver. This function will block until a fatal /sync error occurs, so should
// almost always be started as a new goroutine. If Sync() is called twice then the first sync will be stopped.
func (cli *Client) Sync() error {
// Mark the client as syncing.
// We will keep syncing until the syncing state changes. Either because
// Sync is called or StopSync is called.
syncingID := cli.incrementSyncingID()
nextBatch := cli.Store.LoadNextBatch(cli.UserID)
filterID := cli.Store.LoadFilterID(cli.UserID)
if filterID == "" {
filterJSON := cli.Syncer.GetFilterJSON(cli.UserID)
resFilter, err := cli.CreateFilter(filterJSON)
if err != nil {
return err
filterID = resFilter.FilterID
cli.Store.SaveFilterID(cli.UserID, filterID)
for {
resSync, err := cli.SyncRequest(30000, nextBatch, filterID, false, "")
if err != nil {
duration, err2 := cli.Syncer.OnFailedSync(resSync, err)
if err2 != nil {
return err2
// Check that the syncing state hasn't changed
// Either because we've stopped syncing or another sync has been started.
// We discard the response from our sync.
if cli.getSyncingID() != syncingID {
return nil
// Save the token now *before* processing it. This means it's possible
// to not process some events, but it means that we won't get constantly stuck processing
// a malformed/buggy event which keeps making us panic.
cli.Store.SaveNextBatch(cli.UserID, resSync.NextBatch)
if err = cli.Syncer.ProcessResponse(resSync, nextBatch); err != nil {
return err
nextBatch = resSync.NextBatch
func (cli *Client) incrementSyncingID() uint32 {
defer cli.syncingMutex.Unlock()
return cli.syncingID
func (cli *Client) getSyncingID() uint32 {
defer cli.syncingMutex.Unlock()
return cli.syncingID
// StopSync stops the ongoing sync started by Sync.
func (cli *Client) StopSync() {
// Advance the syncing state so that any running Syncs will terminate.
// SendJSON sends JSON to the given URL. Returns an error if the response is not 2xx.
func (cli *Client) SendJSON(method string, httpURL string, contentJSON interface{}) ([]byte, error) {
jsonStr, err := json.Marshal(contentJSON)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req, err := http.NewRequest(method, httpURL, bytes.NewBuffer(jsonStr))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json")
res, err := cli.Client.Do(req)
if res != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
contents, err := ioutil.ReadAll(res.Body)
if res.StatusCode >= 300 || res.StatusCode < 200 {
return nil, HTTPError{
Code: res.StatusCode,
Message: "Failed to " + method + " JSON: HTTP " + strconv.Itoa(res.StatusCode),
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return contents, nil
// CreateFilter makes an HTTP request according to http://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.2.0.html#post-matrix-client-r0-user-userid-filter
func (cli *Client) CreateFilter(filter json.RawMessage) (*RespCreateFilter, error) {
urlPath := cli.BuildURL("user", cli.UserID, "filter")
resBytes, err := cli.SendJSON("POST", urlPath, &filter)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var filterResponse RespCreateFilter
if err = json.Unmarshal(resBytes, &filterResponse); err != nil {
return nil, err
return &filterResponse, nil
// SyncRequest makes an HTTP request according to http://matrix.org/docs/spec/client_server/r0.2.0.html#get-matrix-client-r0-sync
func (cli *Client) SyncRequest(timeout int, since, filterID string, fullState bool, setPresence string) (*RespSync, error) {
query := map[string]string{
"timeout": strconv.Itoa(timeout),
if since != "" {
query["since"] = since
if filterID != "" {
query["filter"] = filterID
if setPresence != "" {
query["set_presence"] = setPresence
if fullState {
query["full_state"] = "true"
urlPath := cli.BuildURLWithQuery([]string{"sync"}, query)
req, err := http.NewRequest("GET", urlPath, nil)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
res, err := cli.Client.Do(req)
if res != nil {
defer res.Body.Close()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var syncResponse RespSync
err = json.NewDecoder(res.Body).Decode(&syncResponse)
return &syncResponse, err
// NewClient creates a new Matrix Client ready for syncing
func NewClient(homeserverURL, userID, accessToken string) (*Client, error) {
hsURL, err := url.Parse(homeserverURL)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// By default, use an in-memory store which will never save filter ids / next batch tokens to disk.
// The client will work with this storer: it just won't remember across restarts.
// In practice, a database backend should be used.
store := NewInMemoryStore()
cli := Client{
AccessToken: accessToken,
HomeserverURL: hsURL,
UserID: userID,
Prefix: "/_matrix/client/r0",
Syncer: NewDefaultSyncer(userID, store),
Store: store,
// By default, use the default HTTP client.
cli.Client = http.DefaultClient
return &cli, nil