
267 lines
6.3 KiB
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This file contains invisible Unicode characters

This file contains invisible Unicode characters that are indistinguishable to humans but may be processed differently by a computer. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

This file contains Unicode characters that might be confused with other characters. If you think that this is intentional, you can safely ignore this warning. Use the Escape button to reveal them.

package xmlx
Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
func entitymap_load(em *map[string]string) {
// Generic entities string([]uint8{160});
(*em)["nbsp"] = " ";
(*em)["iexcl"] = "¡";
(*em)["cent"] = "¢";
(*em)["pound"] = "£";
(*em)["curren"] = "¤";
(*em)["yen"] = "¥";
(*em)["brvbar"] = "¦";
(*em)["sect"] = "§";
(*em)["uml"] = "¨";
(*em)["copy"] = "©";
(*em)["ordf"] = "ª";
(*em)["laquo"] = "«";
(*em)["not"] = "¬";
(*em)["shy"] = "­";
(*em)["reg"] = "®";
(*em)["macr"] = "¯";
(*em)["deg"] = "°";
(*em)["plusmn"] = "±";
(*em)["sup"] = "²";
(*em)["sup"] = "³";
(*em)["acute"] = "´";
(*em)["micro"] = "µ";
(*em)["para"] = "¶";
(*em)["middot"] = "·";
(*em)["cedil"] = "¸";
(*em)["sup"] = "¹";
(*em)["ordm"] = "º";
(*em)["raquo"] = "»";
(*em)["frac14"] = "¼";
(*em)["frac12"] = "½";
(*em)["frac34"] = "¾";
(*em)["iquest"] = "¿";
(*em)["Agrave"] = "À";
(*em)["Aacute"] = "Á";
(*em)["Acirc"] = "Â";
(*em)["Atilde"] = "Ã";
(*em)["Auml"] = "Ä";
(*em)["Aring"] = "Å";
(*em)["AElig"] = "Æ";
(*em)["Ccedil"] = "Ç";
(*em)["Egrave"] = "È";
(*em)["Eacute"] = "É";
(*em)["Ecirc"] = "Ê";
(*em)["Euml"] = "Ë";
(*em)["Igrave"] = "Ì";
(*em)["Iacute"] = "Í";
(*em)["Icirc"] = "Î";
(*em)["Iuml"] = "Ï";
(*em)["ETH"] = "Ð";
(*em)["Ntilde"] = "Ñ";
(*em)["Ograve"] = "Ò";
(*em)["Oacute"] = "Ó";
(*em)["Ocirc"] = "Ô";
(*em)["Otilde"] = "Õ";
(*em)["Ouml"] = "Ö";
(*em)["times"] = "×";
(*em)["Oslash"] = "Ø";
(*em)["Ugrave"] = "Ù";
(*em)["Uacute"] = "Ú";
(*em)["Ucirc"] = "Û";
(*em)["Uuml"] = "Ü";
(*em)["Yacute"] = "Ý";
(*em)["THORN"] = "Þ";
(*em)["szlig"] = "ß";
(*em)["agrave"] = "à";
(*em)["aacute"] = "á";
(*em)["acirc"] = "â";
(*em)["atilde"] = "ã";
(*em)["auml"] = "ä";
(*em)["aring"] = "å";
(*em)["aelig"] = "æ";
(*em)["ccedil"] = "ç";
(*em)["egrave"] = "è";
(*em)["eacute"] = "é";
(*em)["ecirc"] = "ê";
(*em)["euml"] = "ë";
(*em)["igrave"] = "ì";
(*em)["iacute"] = "í";
(*em)["icirc"] = "î";
(*em)["iuml"] = "ï";
(*em)["eth"] = "ð";
(*em)["ntilde"] = "ñ";
(*em)["ograve"] = "ò";
(*em)["oacute"] = "ó";
(*em)["ocirc"] = "ô";
(*em)["otilde"] = "õ";
(*em)["ouml"] = "ö";
(*em)["divide"] = "÷";
(*em)["oslash"] = "ø";
(*em)["ugrave"] = "ù";
(*em)["uacute"] = "ú";
(*em)["ucirc"] = "û";
(*em)["uuml"] = "ü";
(*em)["yacute"] = "ý";
(*em)["thorn"] = "þ";
(*em)["yuml"] = "ÿ";
(*em)["fnof"] = "ƒ";
(*em)["Alpha"] = "Α";
(*em)["Beta"] = "Β";
(*em)["Gamma"] = "Γ";
(*em)["Delta"] = "Δ";
(*em)["Epsilon"] = "Ε";
(*em)["Zeta"] = "Ζ";
(*em)["Eta"] = "Η";
(*em)["Theta"] = "Θ";
(*em)["Iota"] = "Ι";
(*em)["Kappa"] = "Κ";
(*em)["Lambda"] = "Λ";
(*em)["Mu"] = "Μ";
(*em)["Nu"] = "Ν";
(*em)["Xi"] = "Ξ";
(*em)["Omicron"] = "Ο";
(*em)["Pi"] = "Π";
(*em)["Rho"] = "Ρ";
(*em)["Sigma"] = "Σ";
(*em)["Tau"] = "Τ";
(*em)["Upsilon"] = "Υ";
(*em)["Phi"] = "Φ";
(*em)["Chi"] = "Χ";
(*em)["Psi"] = "Ψ";
(*em)["Omega"] = "Ω";
(*em)["alpha"] = "α";
(*em)["beta"] = "β";
(*em)["gamma"] = "γ";
(*em)["delta"] = "δ";
(*em)["epsilon"] = "ε";
(*em)["zeta"] = "ζ";
(*em)["eta"] = "η";
(*em)["theta"] = "θ";
(*em)["iota"] = "ι";
(*em)["kappa"] = "κ";
(*em)["lambda"] = "λ";
(*em)["mu"] = "μ";
(*em)["nu"] = "ν";
(*em)["xi"] = "ξ";
(*em)["omicron"] = "ο";
(*em)["pi"] = "π";
(*em)["rho"] = "ρ";
(*em)["sigmaf"] = "ς";
(*em)["sigma"] = "σ";
(*em)["tau"] = "τ";
(*em)["upsilon"] = "υ";
(*em)["phi"] = "φ";
(*em)["chi"] = "χ";
(*em)["psi"] = "ψ";
(*em)["omega"] = "ω";
(*em)["thetasym"] = "ϑ";
(*em)["upsih"] = "ϒ";
(*em)["piv"] = "ϖ";
(*em)["bull"] = "•";
(*em)["hellip"] = "…";
(*em)["prime"] = "";
(*em)["Prime"] = "″";
(*em)["oline"] = "‾";
(*em)["frasl"] = "";
(*em)["weierp"] = "℘";
(*em)["image"] = "";
(*em)["real"] = "";
(*em)["trade"] = "™";
(*em)["alefsym"] = "ℵ";
(*em)["larr"] = "←";
(*em)["uarr"] = "↑";
(*em)["rarr"] = "→";
(*em)["darr"] = "↓";
(*em)["harr"] = "↔";
(*em)["crarr"] = "↵";
(*em)["lArr"] = "⇐";
(*em)["uArr"] = "⇑";
(*em)["rArr"] = "⇒";
(*em)["dArr"] = "⇓";
(*em)["hArr"] = "⇔";
(*em)["forall"] = "∀";
(*em)["part"] = "∂";
(*em)["exist"] = "∃";
(*em)["empty"] = "∅";
(*em)["nabla"] = "∇";
(*em)["isin"] = "∈";
(*em)["notin"] = "∉";
(*em)["ni"] = "∋";
(*em)["prod"] = "∏";
(*em)["sum"] = "∑";
(*em)["minus"] = "";
(*em)["lowast"] = "";
(*em)["radic"] = "√";
(*em)["prop"] = "∝";
(*em)["infin"] = "∞";
(*em)["ang"] = "∠";
(*em)["and"] = "∧";
(*em)["or"] = "";
(*em)["cap"] = "∩";
(*em)["cup"] = "";
(*em)["int"] = "∫";
(*em)["there4"] = "∴";
(*em)["sim"] = "";
(*em)["cong"] = "≅";
(*em)["asymp"] = "≈";
(*em)["ne"] = "≠";
(*em)["equiv"] = "≡";
(*em)["le"] = "≤";
(*em)["ge"] = "≥";
(*em)["sub"] = "⊂";
(*em)["sup"] = "⊃";
(*em)["nsub"] = "⊄";
(*em)["sube"] = "⊆";
(*em)["supe"] = "⊇";
(*em)["oplus"] = "⊕";
(*em)["otimes"] = "⊗";
(*em)["perp"] = "⊥";
(*em)["sdot"] = "⋅";
(*em)["lceil"] = "⌈";
(*em)["rceil"] = "⌉";
(*em)["lfloor"] = "⌊";
(*em)["rfloor"] = "⌋";
(*em)["lang"] = "〈";
(*em)["rang"] = "〉";
(*em)["loz"] = "◊";
(*em)["spades"] = "♠";
(*em)["clubs"] = "♣";
(*em)["hearts"] = "♥";
(*em)["diams"] = "♦";
(*em)["quot"] = "\"";
(*em)["amp"] = "&";
(*em)["lt"] = "<";
(*em)["gt"] = ">";
(*em)["OElig"] = "Œ";
(*em)["oelig"] = "œ";
(*em)["Scaron"] = "Š";
(*em)["scaron"] = "š";
(*em)["Yuml"] = "Ÿ";
(*em)["circ"] = "ˆ";
(*em)["tilde"] = "˜";
(*em)["ensp"] = "";
(*em)["emsp"] = "";
(*em)["thinsp"] = "";
(*em)["zwnj"] = "";
(*em)["zwj"] = "";
(*em)["lrm"] = "";
(*em)["rlm"] = "";
(*em)["ndash"] = "";
(*em)["mdash"] = "—";
(*em)["lsquo"] = "";
(*em)["rsquo"] = "";
(*em)["sbquo"] = "";
(*em)["ldquo"] = "“";
(*em)["rdquo"] = "”";
(*em)["bdquo"] = "„";
(*em)["dagger"] = "†";
(*em)["Dagger"] = "‡";
(*em)["permil"] = "‰";
(*em)["lsaquo"] = "";
(*em)["rsaquo"] = "";
(*em)["euro"] = "€";