
419 lines
9.8 KiB

// This work is subject to the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
// license. Its contents can be found at:
// http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
package xmlx
import (
const (
NT_ROOT = iota
type Attr struct {
Name xml.Name
Value string
type Node struct {
Type byte
Name xml.Name
Children []*Node
Attributes []*Attr
Parent *Node
Value string
Target string // procinst field
func NewNode(tid byte) *Node {
n := new(Node)
n.Type = tid
n.Children = make([]*Node, 0, 10)
n.Attributes = make([]*Attr, 0, 10)
return n
// This wraps the standard xml.Unmarshal function and supplies this particular
// node as the content to be unmarshalled.
func (this *Node) Unmarshal(obj interface{}) os.Error {
return xml.Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(this.String()), obj)
// Get node value as string
func (this *Node) S(namespace, name string) string {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil {
return node.Value
return ""
// Deprecated - use Node.S()
func (this *Node) GetValue(namespace, name string) string { return this.S(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as int
func (this *Node) I(namespace, name string) int {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.I()
func (this *Node) GetValuei(namespace, name string) int { return this.I(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as int64
func (this *Node) I64(namespace, name string) int64 {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi64(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.I64()
func (this *Node) GetValuei64(namespace, name string) int64 { return this.I64(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as uint
func (this *Node) U(namespace, name string) uint {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoui(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.U()
func (this *Node) GetValueui(namespace, name string) uint { return this.U(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as uint64
func (this *Node) U64(namespace, name string) uint64 {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoui64(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.U64()
func (this *Node) GetValueui64(namespace, name string) uint64 { return this.U64(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as float32
func (this *Node) F32(namespace, name string) float32 {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof32(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.F32()
func (this *Node) GetValuef32(namespace, name string) float32 { return this.F32(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as float64
func (this *Node) F64(namespace, name string) float64 {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof64(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.F64()
func (this *Node) GetValuef64(namespace, name string) float64 { return this.F64(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as bool
func (this *Node) B(namespace, name string) bool {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atob(node.Value)
return n
return false
// Get attribute value as string
func (this *Node) As(namespace, name string) string {
for _, v := range this.Attributes {
if (namespace == "*" || namespace == v.Name.Space) && name == v.Name.Local {
return v.Value
return ""
// Deprecated - use Node.As()
func (this *Node) GetAttr(namespace, name string) string { return this.As(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as int
func (this *Node) Ai(namespace, name string) int {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Ai()
func (this *Node) GetAttri(namespace, name string) int { return this.Ai(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as uint
func (this *Node) Au(namespace, name string) uint {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoui(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Au()
func (this *Node) GetAttrui(namespace, name string) uint { return this.Au(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as uint64
func (this *Node) Au64(namespace, name string) uint64 {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoui64(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Au64()
func (this *Node) GetAttrui64(namespace, name string) uint64 { return this.Au64(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as int64
func (this *Node) Ai64(namespace, name string) int64 {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi64(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Ai64()
func (this *Node) GetAttri64(namespace, name string) int64 { return this.Ai64(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as float32
func (this *Node) Af32(namespace, name string) float32 {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof32(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Af32()
func (this *Node) GetAttrf32(namespace, name string) float32 { return this.Af32(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as float64
func (this *Node) Af64(namespace, name string) float64 {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof64(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Af64()
func (this *Node) GetAttrf64(namespace, name string) float64 { return this.Af64(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as bool
func (this *Node) Ab(namespace, name string) bool {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atob(s)
return n
return false
// Returns true if this node has the specified attribute. False otherwise.
func (this *Node) HasAttr(namespace, name string) bool {
for _, v := range this.Attributes {
if (namespace == "*" || namespace == v.Name.Space) && name == v.Name.Local {
return true
return false
// Select single node by name
func (this *Node) SelectNode(namespace, name string) *Node {
return rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
func rec_SelectNode(cn *Node, namespace, name string) *Node {
// Allow wildcard for namespace names. Meaning we will match any namespace
// name with a matching local name.
if (namespace == "*" || cn.Name.Space == namespace) && cn.Name.Local == name {
return cn
var tn *Node
for _, v := range cn.Children {
if tn = rec_SelectNode(v, namespace, name); tn != nil {
return tn
return nil
// Select multiple nodes by name
func (this *Node) SelectNodes(namespace, name string) []*Node {
list := make([]*Node, 0, 16)
rec_SelectNodes(this, namespace, name, &list)
return list
func rec_SelectNodes(cn *Node, namespace, name string, list *[]*Node) {
// Allow wildcard for namespace names. Meaning we will match any namespace
// name with a matching local name.
if (namespace == "*" || cn.Name.Space == namespace) && cn.Name.Local == name {
*list = append(*list, cn)
for _, v := range cn.Children {
rec_SelectNodes(v, namespace, name, list)
// Convert node to appropriate string representation based on it's @Type.
// Note that NT_ROOT is a special-case empty node used as the root for a
// Document. This one has no representation by itself. It merely forwards the
// String() call to it's child nodes.
func (this *Node) String() (s string) {
switch this.Type {
s = this.printProcInst()
s = this.printComment()
s = this.printDirective()
s = this.printElement()
case NT_ROOT:
s = this.printRoot()
func (this *Node) printRoot() (s string) {
var data []byte
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
for _, v := range this.Children {
return buf.String()
func (this *Node) printProcInst() string {
return "<?" + this.Target + " " + this.Value + "?>"
func (this *Node) printComment() string {
return "<!-- " + this.Value + " -->"
func (this *Node) printDirective() string {
return "<!" + this.Value + "!>"
func (this *Node) printElement() string {
var data []byte
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(data)
if len(this.Name.Space) > 0 {
} else {
for _, v := range this.Attributes {
if len(v.Name.Space) > 0 {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` %s:%s="%s"`, v.Name.Space, v.Name.Local, v.Value))
} else {
buf.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(` %s="%s"`, v.Name.Local, v.Value))
if len(this.Children) == 0 && len(this.Value) == 0 {
buf.WriteString(" />")
return buf.String()
for _, v := range this.Children {
if len(this.Name.Space) > 0 {
} else {
return buf.String()
// Add a child node
func (this *Node) AddChild(t *Node) {
if t.Parent != nil {
t.Parent = this
this.Children = append(this.Children, t)
// Remove a child node
func (this *Node) RemoveChild(t *Node) {
p := -1
for i, v := range this.Children {
if v == t {
p = i
if p == -1 {
copy(this.Children[p:], this.Children[p+1:])
this.Children = this.Children[0 : len(this.Children)-1]
t.Parent = nil