diff --git a/helm.mk b/helm.mk index 7d7934a..072c1f4 100644 --- a/helm.mk +++ b/helm.mk @@ -1,20 +1,22 @@ # helm # # deploys helm charts on k8s via helmfile - +# start-helm: @- echo "\n### starting deployment with helmfile" @- echo "\n### setting kubernetes context to $(K8S_CONTEXT)" @ kubectl config use-context $(K8S_CONTEXT) - +# @- echo "\n### create namespace $(NAMESPACE)" @- kubectl create namespace "$(NAMESPACE)" --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f - - + @- echo "\n### DEBUG NAMESPACE" + @- kubectl create namespace "$(NAMESPACE)" --dry-run=client -o yaml +# @- echo "\n### run kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml" - @- kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml - + @- kubectl apply -f secrets.yaml -o yaml +# @- echo "\n### deploying helm chart" @ helmfile --file helmfile.yaml apply --suppress-secrets - +# pull-helm: # nop