fix formatting

This commit is contained in:
northernSage 2021-02-25 07:25:59 -03:00
parent 049d2d9eda
commit fffd6ae426
1 changed files with 9 additions and 12 deletions

View File

@ -28,48 +28,45 @@ If you intend to contribute to gomatrix you'll first need Go installed on your m
- Fork gomatrix to your GitHub account by clicking the [Fork]( button.
- [Clone]( the main repository (not your fork) to your local machine.
$ git clone
$ cd gomatrix
- Add your fork as a remote to push your contributions.Replace
``{username}`` with your username.
`git remote add fork{username}/gomatrix`
git remote add fork{username}/gomatrix
- Create a new branch to identify what feature you are working on.
$ git fetch origin
$ git checkout -b your-branch-name origin/master
- Make your changes, including tests that cover any code changes you make, and run them as described below.
- Execute pre-commit hooks by running
`<gomatrix dir>/hooks/pre-commit`
<gomatrix dir>/hooks/pre-commit
- Push your changes to your fork and [create a pull request]( describing your changes.
`$ git push --set-upstream fork your-branch-name`
$ git push --set-upstream fork your-branch-name
- Finally, create a [pull request](
## How to run tests
You can run the test suite and example code with
`$ go test -v`
You can run the test suite and example code with `$ go test -v`
# Running Coverage
To run coverage, first generate the coverage report using `go test`
`go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.out`
go test -v -cover -coverprofile=coverage.out
You can now show the generated report as a html page with `go tool`
`go tool cover -html=coverage.out`
go tool cover -html=coverage.out