
361 lines
8.3 KiB

package state
import (
// A Channel is returned from the state tracker and contains
// a copy of the channel state at a particular time.
type Channel struct {
Name, Topic string
Modes *ChanMode
Nicks map[string]*ChanPrivs
// Internal bookkeeping struct for channels.
type channel struct {
name, topic string
modes *ChanMode
lookup map[string]*nick
nicks map[*nick]*ChanPrivs
// A struct representing the modes of an IRC Channel
// (the ones we care about, at least).
// http://www.unrealircd.com/files/docs/unreal32docs.html#userchannelmodes
type ChanMode struct {
// MODE +p, +s, +t, +n, +m
Private, Secret, ProtectedTopic, NoExternalMsg, Moderated bool
// MODE +i, +O, +z
InviteOnly, OperOnly, SSLOnly bool
// MODE +r, +Z
Registered, AllSSL bool
// MODE +k
Key string
// MODE +l
Limit int
// A struct representing the modes a Nick can have on a Channel
type ChanPrivs struct {
// MODE +q, +a, +o, +h, +v
Owner, Admin, Op, HalfOp, Voice bool
// Map ChanMode fields to IRC mode characters
var StringToChanMode = map[string]string{}
var ChanModeToString = map[string]string{
"Private": "p",
"Secret": "s",
"ProtectedTopic": "t",
"NoExternalMsg": "n",
"Moderated": "m",
"InviteOnly": "i",
"OperOnly": "O",
"SSLOnly": "z",
"Registered": "r",
"AllSSL": "Z",
"Key": "k",
"Limit": "l",
// Map *irc.ChanPrivs fields to IRC mode characters
var StringToChanPriv = map[string]string{}
var ChanPrivToString = map[string]string{
"Owner": "q",
"Admin": "a",
"Op": "o",
"HalfOp": "h",
"Voice": "v",
// Map *irc.ChanPrivs fields to the symbols used to represent these modes
// in NAMES and WHOIS responses
var ModeCharToChanPriv = map[byte]string{}
var ChanPrivToModeChar = map[string]byte{
"Owner": '~',
"Admin": '&',
"Op": '@',
"HalfOp": '%',
"Voice": '+',
// Init function to fill in reverse mappings for *toString constants.
func init() {
for k, v := range ChanModeToString {
StringToChanMode[v] = k
for k, v := range ChanPrivToString {
StringToChanPriv[v] = k
for k, v := range ChanPrivToModeChar {
ModeCharToChanPriv[v] = k
* Channel methods for state management
func newChannel(name string) *channel {
return &channel{
name: name,
modes: new(ChanMode),
nicks: make(map[*nick]*ChanPrivs),
lookup: make(map[string]*nick),
// Returns a copy of the internal tracker channel state at this time.
// Relies on tracker-level locking for concurrent access.
func (ch *channel) Channel() *Channel {
c := &Channel{
Name: ch.name,
Topic: ch.topic,
Modes: ch.modes.Copy(),
Nicks: make(map[string]*ChanPrivs),
for n, cp := range ch.nicks {
c.Nicks[n.nick] = cp.Copy()
return c
func (ch *channel) isOn(nk *nick) (*ChanPrivs, bool) {
cp, ok := ch.nicks[nk]
return cp.Copy(), ok
// Associates a Nick with a Channel
func (ch *channel) addNick(nk *nick, cp *ChanPrivs) {
if _, ok := ch.nicks[nk]; !ok {
ch.nicks[nk] = cp
ch.lookup[nk.nick] = nk
} else {
logging.Warn("Channel.addNick(): %s already on %s.", nk.nick, ch.name)
// Disassociates a Nick from a Channel.
func (ch *channel) delNick(nk *nick) {
if _, ok := ch.nicks[nk]; ok {
delete(ch.nicks, nk)
delete(ch.lookup, nk.nick)
} else {
logging.Warn("Channel.delNick(): %s not on %s.", nk.nick, ch.name)
// Parses mode strings for a channel.
func (ch *channel) parseModes(modes string, modeargs ...string) {
var modeop bool // true => add mode, false => remove mode
var modestr string
for i := 0; i < len(modes); i++ {
switch m := modes[i]; m {
case '+':
modeop = true
modestr = string(m)
case '-':
modeop = false
modestr = string(m)
case 'i':
ch.modes.InviteOnly = modeop
case 'm':
ch.modes.Moderated = modeop
case 'n':
ch.modes.NoExternalMsg = modeop
case 'p':
ch.modes.Private = modeop
case 'r':
ch.modes.Registered = modeop
case 's':
ch.modes.Secret = modeop
case 't':
ch.modes.ProtectedTopic = modeop
case 'z':
ch.modes.SSLOnly = modeop
case 'Z':
ch.modes.AllSSL = modeop
case 'O':
ch.modes.OperOnly = modeop
case 'k':
if modeop && len(modeargs) != 0 {
ch.modes.Key, modeargs = modeargs[0], modeargs[1:]
} else if !modeop {
ch.modes.Key = ""
} else {
logging.Warn("Channel.ParseModes(): not enough arguments to "+
"process MODE %s %s%c", ch.name, modestr, m)
case 'l':
if modeop && len(modeargs) != 0 {
ch.modes.Limit, _ = strconv.Atoi(modeargs[0])
modeargs = modeargs[1:]
} else if !modeop {
ch.modes.Limit = 0
} else {
logging.Warn("Channel.ParseModes(): not enough arguments to "+
"process MODE %s %s%c", ch.name, modestr, m)
case 'q', 'a', 'o', 'h', 'v':
if len(modeargs) != 0 {
if nk, ok := ch.lookup[modeargs[0]]; ok {
cp := ch.nicks[nk]
switch m {
case 'q':
cp.Owner = modeop
case 'a':
cp.Admin = modeop
case 'o':
cp.Op = modeop
case 'h':
cp.HalfOp = modeop
case 'v':
cp.Voice = modeop
modeargs = modeargs[1:]
} else {
logging.Warn("Channel.ParseModes(): untracked nick %s "+
"received MODE on channel %s", modeargs[0], ch.name)
} else {
logging.Warn("Channel.ParseModes(): not enough arguments to "+
"process MODE %s %s%c", ch.name, modestr, m)
logging.Info("Channel.ParseModes(): unknown mode char %c", m)
// Returns true if the Nick is associated with the Channel
func (ch *Channel) IsOn(nk string) (*ChanPrivs, bool) {
cp, ok := ch.Nicks[nk]
return cp, ok
// Test Channel equality.
func (ch *Channel) Equals(other *Channel) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(ch, other)
// Duplicates a ChanMode struct.
func (cm *ChanMode) Copy() *ChanMode {
if cm == nil {
return nil
c := *cm
return &c
// Test ChanMode equality.
func (cm *ChanMode) Equals(other *ChanMode) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(cm, other)
// Duplicates a ChanPrivs struct.
func (cp *ChanPrivs) Copy() *ChanPrivs {
if cp == nil {
return nil
c := *cp
return &c
// Test ChanPrivs equality.
func (cp *ChanPrivs) Equals(other *ChanPrivs) bool {
return reflect.DeepEqual(cp, other)
// Returns a string representing the channel. Looks like:
// Channel: <channel name> e.g. #moo
// Topic: <channel topic> e.g. Discussing the merits of cows!
// Mode: <channel modes> e.g. +nsti
// Nicks:
// <nick>: <privs> e.g. CowMaster: +o
// ...
func (ch *Channel) String() string {
str := "Channel: " + ch.Name + "\n\t"
str += "Topic: " + ch.Topic + "\n\t"
str += "Modes: " + ch.Modes.String() + "\n\t"
str += "Nicks: \n"
for nk, cp := range ch.Nicks {
str += "\t\t" + nk + ": " + cp.String() + "\n"
return str
func (ch *channel) String() string {
return ch.Channel().String()
// Returns a string representing the channel modes. Looks like:
// +npk key
func (cm *ChanMode) String() string {
if cm == nil {
return "No modes set"
str := "+"
a := make([]string, 0)
v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(cm))
t := v.Type()
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
switch f := v.Field(i); f.Kind() {
case reflect.Bool:
if f.Bool() {
str += ChanModeToString[t.Field(i).Name]
case reflect.String:
if f.String() != "" {
str += ChanModeToString[t.Field(i).Name]
a = append(a, f.String())
case reflect.Int, reflect.Int8, reflect.Int16, reflect.Int32, reflect.Int64:
if f.Int() != 0 {
str += ChanModeToString[t.Field(i).Name]
a = append(a, strconv.FormatInt(f.Int(), 10))
for _, s := range a {
if s != "" {
str += " " + s
if str == "+" {
str = "No modes set"
return str
// Returns a string representing the channel privileges. Looks like:
// +o
func (cp *ChanPrivs) String() string {
if cp == nil {
return "No modes set"
str := "+"
v := reflect.Indirect(reflect.ValueOf(cp))
t := v.Type()
for i := 0; i < v.NumField(); i++ {
switch f := v.Field(i); f.Kind() {
// only bools here at the mo too!
case reflect.Bool:
if f.Bool() {
str += ChanPrivToString[t.Field(i).Name]
if str == "+" {
str = "No modes set"
return str