
203 lines
5.5 KiB

package client
import (
// Handlers are triggered on incoming Lines from the server, with the handler
// "name" being equivalent to Line.Cmd. Read the RFCs for details on what
// replies could come from the server. They'll generally be things like
// "PRIVMSG", "JOIN", etc. but all the numeric replies are left as ascii
// strings of digits like "332" (mainly because I really didn't feel like
// putting massive constant tables in).
// Foreground handlers have a guarantee of protocol consistency: all the
// handlers for one event will have finished before the handlers for the
// next start processing. They are run in parallel but block the event
// loop, so care should be taken to ensure these handlers are quick :-)
// Background handlers are run in parallel and do not block the event loop.
// This is useful for things that may need to do significant work.
type Handler interface {
Handle(*Conn, *Line)
// Removers allow for a handler that has been previously added to the client
// to be removed.
type Remover interface {
// HandlerFunc allows a bare function with this signature to implement the
// Handler interface. It is used by Conn.HandleFunc.
type HandlerFunc func(*Conn, *Line)
func (hf HandlerFunc) Handle(conn *Conn, line *Line) {
hf(conn, line)
// Handlers are organised using a map of linked-lists, with each map
// key representing an IRC verb or numeric, and the linked list values
// being handlers that are executed in parallel when a Line from the
// server with that verb or numeric arrives.
type hSet struct {
set map[string]*hList
type hList struct {
start, end *hNode
// Storing the forward and backward links in the node allows O(1) removal.
// This probably isn't strictly necessary but I think it's kinda nice.
type hNode struct {
next, prev *hNode
set *hSet
event string
handler Handler
// A hNode implements both Handler (with configurable panic recovery)...
func (hn *hNode) Handle(conn *Conn, line *Line) {
defer conn.cfg.Recover(conn, line)
hn.handler.Handle(conn, line)
// ... and Remover.
func (hn *hNode) Remove() {
func handlerSet() *hSet {
return &hSet{set: make(map[string]*hList)}
// When a new Handler is added for an event, it is wrapped in a hNode and
// returned as a Remover so the caller can remove it at a later time.
func (hs *hSet) add(ev string, h Handler) Remover {
defer hs.Unlock()
ev = strings.ToLower(ev)
l, ok := hs.set[ev]
if !ok {
l = &hList{}
hn := &hNode{
set: hs,
event: ev,
handler: h,
if !ok {
l.start = hn
} else {
hn.prev = l.end
l.end.next = hn
l.end = hn
hs.set[ev] = l
return hn
func (hs *hSet) remove(hn *hNode) {
defer hs.Unlock()
l, ok := hs.set[hn.event]
if !ok {
logging.Error("Removing node for unknown event '%s'", hn.event)
if hn.next == nil {
l.end = hn.prev
} else {
hn.next.prev = hn.prev
if hn.prev == nil {
l.start = hn.next
} else {
hn.prev.next = hn.next
hn.next = nil
hn.prev = nil
hn.set = nil
if l.start == nil || l.end == nil {
delete(hs.set, hn.event)
func (hs *hSet) getHandlers(ev string) []*hNode {
defer hs.RUnlock()
list, ok := hs.set[ev]
if !ok {
return nil
// Copy current list of handlers to a temporary slice under the lock.
handlers := make([]*hNode, 0)
for hn := list.start; hn != nil; hn = hn.next {
handlers = append(handlers, hn)
return handlers
func (hs *hSet) dispatch(conn *Conn, line *Line) {
ev := strings.ToLower(line.Cmd)
wg := &sync.WaitGroup{}
for _, hn := range hs.getHandlers(ev) {
go func(hn *hNode) {
hn.Handle(conn, line.Copy())
// Handle adds the provided handler to the foreground set for the named event.
// It will return a Remover that allows that handler to be removed again.
func (conn *Conn) Handle(name string, h Handler) Remover {
return conn.fgHandlers.add(name, h)
// HandleBG adds the provided handler to the background set for the named
// event. It may go away in the future.
// It will return a Remover that allows that handler to be removed again.
func (conn *Conn) HandleBG(name string, h Handler) Remover {
return conn.bgHandlers.add(name, h)
func (conn *Conn) handle(name string, h Handler) Remover {
return conn.intHandlers.add(name, h)
// HandleFunc adds the provided function as a handler in the foreground set
// for the named event.
// It will return a Remover that allows that handler to be removed again.
func (conn *Conn) HandleFunc(name string, hf HandlerFunc) Remover {
return conn.Handle(name, hf)
func (conn *Conn) dispatch(line *Line) {
// We run the internal handlers first, including all state tracking ones.
// This ensures that user-supplied handlers that use the tracker have a
// consistent view of the connection state in handlers that mutate it.
conn.intHandlers.dispatch(conn, line)
go conn.bgHandlers.dispatch(conn, line)
conn.fgHandlers.dispatch(conn, line)
// LogPanic is used as the default panic catcher for the client. If, like me,
// you are not good with computer, and you'd prefer your bot not to vanish into
// the ether whenever you make unfortunate programming mistakes, you may find
// this useful: it will recover panics from handler code and log the errors.
func (conn *Conn) LogPanic(line *Line) {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
_, f, l, _ := runtime.Caller(2)
logging.Error("%s:%d: panic: %v", f, l, err)