
225 lines
5.9 KiB

package client
import (
func TestCutNewLines(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct{ in, out string }{
{"", ""},
{"foo bar", "foo bar"},
{"foo bar\rbaz", "foo bar"},
{"foo bar\nbaz", "foo bar"},
{"blorp\r\n\r\nbloop", "blorp"},
{"\n\rblaap", ""},
{"\r\n", ""},
{"boo\\r\\n\\n\r", "boo\\r\\n\\n"},
for i, test := range tests {
out := cutNewLines(test.in)
if test.out != out {
t.Errorf("test %d: expected %q, got %q", i, test.out, out)
func TestIndexFragment(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in string
out int
{"", -1},
{"foobarbaz", -1},
{"foo bar baz", 8},
{"foo. bar baz", 5},
{"foo: bar baz", 5},
{"foo; bar baz", 5},
{"foo, bar baz", 5},
{"foo! bar baz", 5},
{"foo? bar baz", 5},
{"foo\" bar baz", 5},
{"foo' bar baz", 5},
{"foo. bar. baz beep", 10},
{"foo. bar, baz beep", 10},
for i, test := range tests {
out := indexFragment(test.in)
if test.out != out {
t.Errorf("test %d: expected %d, got %d", i, test.out, out)
func TestSplitMessage(t *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
in string
sp int
out []string
{"", 0, []string{""}},
{"foo", 0, []string{"foo"}},
{"foo bar baz beep", 0, []string{"foo bar baz beep"}},
{"foo bar baz beep", 15, []string{"foo bar baz ...", "beep"}},
{"foo bar, baz beep", 15, []string{"foo bar, ...", "baz beep"}},
{"0123456789012345", 0, []string{"0123456789012345"}},
{"0123456789012345", 15, []string{"012345678901...", "2345"}},
{"0123456789012345", 16, []string{"0123456789012345"}},
for i, test := range tests {
out := splitMessage(test.in, test.sp)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(test.out, out) {
t.Errorf("test %d: expected %q, got %q", i, test.out, out)
func TestClientCommands(t *testing.T) {
c, s := setUp(t)
defer s.tearDown()
// Avoid having to type ridiculously long lines to test that
// messages longer than SplitLen are correctly sent to the server.
c.cfg.SplitLen = 23
s.nc.Expect("PASS password")
s.nc.Expect("NICK test")
c.User("test", "Testing IRC")
s.nc.Expect("USER test 12 * :Testing IRC")
c.Raw("JUST a raw :line")
s.nc.Expect("JUST a raw :line")
s.nc.Expect("JOIN #foo")
c.Join("#foo bar")
s.nc.Expect("JOIN #foo bar")
s.nc.Expect("PART #foo")
c.Part("#foo", "Screw you guys...")
s.nc.Expect("PART #foo :Screw you guys...")
s.nc.Expect("QUIT :GoBye!")
c.Quit("I'm going home.")
s.nc.Expect("QUIT :I'm going home.")
s.nc.Expect("WHOIS somebody")
s.nc.Expect("WHO *@some.host.com")
c.Privmsg("#foo", "bar")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :bar")
c.Privmsgln("#foo", "bar")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :bar")
c.Privmsgf("#foo", "say %s", "foo")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :say foo")
c.Privmsgln("#foo", "bar", 1, 3.54, []int{24, 36})
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :bar 1 3.54 [24 36]")
c.Privmsgf("#foo", "user %d is at %s", 2, "home")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :user 2 is at home")
// 0123456789012345678901234567890123
c.Privmsg("#foo", "foo bar baz blorp. woo woobly woo.")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :foo bar baz blorp. ...")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :woo woobly woo.")
c.Privmsgln("#foo", "foo bar baz blorp. woo woobly woo.")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :foo bar baz blorp. ...")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :woo woobly woo.")
c.Privmsgf("#foo", "%s %s", "foo bar baz blorp.", "woo woobly woo.")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :foo bar baz blorp. ...")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :woo woobly woo.")
c.Privmsgln("#foo", "foo bar", 3.54, "blorp.", "woo", "woobly", []int{1, 2})
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :foo bar 3.54 blorp. ...")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :woo woobly [1 2]")
c.Privmsgf("#foo", "%s %.2f %s %s %s %v", "foo bar", 3.54, "blorp.", "woo", "woobly", []int{1, 2})
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :foo bar 3.54 blorp. ...")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :woo woobly [1 2]")
c.Notice("somebody", "something")
s.nc.Expect("NOTICE somebody :something")
// 01234567890123456789012345678901234567
c.Notice("somebody", "something much much longer that splits")
s.nc.Expect("NOTICE somebody :something much much ...")
s.nc.Expect("NOTICE somebody :longer that splits")
c.Ctcp("somebody", "ping", "123456789")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG somebody :\001PING 123456789\001")
c.Ctcp("somebody", "ping", "123456789012345678901234567890")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG somebody :\001PING 12345678901234567890...\001")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG somebody :\001PING 1234567890\001")
c.CtcpReply("somebody", "pong", "123456789012345678901234567890")
s.nc.Expect("NOTICE somebody :\001PONG 12345678901234567890...\001")
s.nc.Expect("NOTICE somebody :\001PONG 1234567890\001")
c.CtcpReply("somebody", "pong", "123456789")
s.nc.Expect("NOTICE somebody :\001PONG 123456789\001")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG somebody :\001VERSION\001")
c.Action("#foo", "pokes somebody")
s.nc.Expect("PRIVMSG #foo :\001ACTION pokes somebody\001")
s.nc.Expect("TOPIC #foo")
c.Topic("#foo", "la la la")
s.nc.Expect("TOPIC #foo :la la la")
s.nc.Expect("MODE #foo")
c.Mode("#foo", "+o somebody")
s.nc.Expect("MODE #foo +o somebody")
c.Away("Dave's not here, man.")
s.nc.Expect("AWAY :Dave's not here, man.")
c.Invite("somebody", "#foo")
s.nc.Expect("INVITE somebody #foo")
c.Oper("user", "pass")
s.nc.Expect("OPER user pass")
c.VHost("user", "pass")
s.nc.Expect("VHOST user pass")
func TestSplitCommand(t *testing.T) {
nArgs := 100
args := make([]string, 0)
for i := 0; i < nArgs; i++ {
args = append(args, "arg"+strconv.Itoa(i))
for maxLen := 1; maxLen <= defaultSplit; maxLen *= 2 {
for _, argStr := range splitArgs(args, maxLen) {
if len(argStr) > maxLen && len(strings.Split(argStr, " ")) > 1 {
t.Errorf("maxLen = %d, but len(cmd) = %d", maxLen, len(argStr))