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package client
import (
var tagsReplacer = strings.NewReplacer("\\:", ";", "\\s", " ", "\\r", "\r", "\\n", "\n")
// We parse an incoming line into this struct. Line.Cmd is used as the trigger
// name for incoming event handlers and is the IRC verb, the first sequence
// of non-whitespace characters after ":nick!user@host", e.g. PRIVMSG.
// Raw =~ ":nick!user@host cmd args[] :text"
// Src == "nick!user@host"
// Cmd == e.g. PRIVMSG, 332
type Line struct {
Tags map[string]string
Nick, Ident, Host, Src string
Cmd, Raw string
Args []string
2012-02-04 00:51:06 +00:00
Time time.Time
// Copy returns a deep copy of the Line.
func (l *Line) Copy() *Line {
nl := *l
nl.Args = make([]string, len(l.Args))
copy(nl.Args, l.Args)
if l.Tags != nil {
nl.Tags = make(map[string]string)
for k, v := range l.Tags {
nl.Tags[k] = v
return &nl
// Text returns the contents of the text portion of a line. This only really
// makes sense for lines with a :text part, but there are a lot of them.
func (line *Line) Text() string {
if len(line.Args) > 0 {
return line.Args[len(line.Args)-1]
return ""
// Target returns the contextual target of the line, usually the first Arg
// for the IRC verb. If the line was broadcast from a channel, the target
// will be that channel. If the line was sent directly by a user, the target
// will be that user.
func (line *Line) Target() string {
// TODO(fluffle): Add 005 CHANTYPES parsing for this?
switch line.Cmd {
if !line.Public() {
return line.Nick
if !line.Public() {
return line.Nick
return line.Args[1]
if len(line.Args) > 0 {
return line.Args[0]
return ""
// Public returns true if the line is the result of an IRC user sending
// a message to a channel the client has joined instead of directly
// to the client.
// NOTE: This is very permissive, allowing all 4 RFC channel types even if
// your server doesn't technically support them.
func (line *Line) Public() bool {
switch line.Cmd {
switch line.Args[0][0] {
case '#', '&', '+', '!':
return true
// CTCP prepends the CTCP verb to line.Args, thus for the message
// :nick!user@host PRIVMSG #foo :\001BAR baz\001
// line.Args contains: []string{"BAR", "#foo", "baz"}
// TODO(fluffle): Arguably this is broken, and we should have
// line.Args containing: []string{"#foo", "BAR", "baz"}
// ... OR change conn.Ctcp()'s argument order to be consistent.
switch line.Args[1][0] {
case '#', '&', '+', '!':
return true
return false
// ParseLine creates a Line from an incoming message from the IRC server.
// It contains special casing for CTCP messages, most notably CTCP ACTION.
// All CTCP messages have the \001 bytes stripped from the message and the
// CTCP command separated from any subsequent text. Then, CTCP ACTIONs are
// rewritten such that Line.Cmd == ACTION. Other CTCP messages have Cmd
// set to CTCP or CTCPREPLY, and the CTCP command prepended to line.Args.
// ParseLine also parses IRCv3 tags, if received. If a line does not have
2016-01-13 02:02:46 +00:00
// the tags section, Line.Tags will be nil. Tags are optional, and will
// only be included after the correct CAP command.
// http://ircv3.net/specs/core/capability-negotiation-3.1.html
// http://ircv3.net/specs/core/message-tags-3.2.html
func ParseLine(s string) *Line {
line := &Line{Raw: s}
if s == "" {
return nil
if s[0] == '@' {
var rawTags string
line.Tags = make(map[string]string)
if idx := strings.Index(s, " "); idx != -1 {
rawTags, s = s[1:idx], s[idx+1:]
} else {
return nil
// ; is represented as \: in a tag, so it's safe to split on ;
for _, tag := range strings.Split(rawTags, ";") {
2016-01-11 22:43:19 +00:00
if tag == "" {
2016-01-11 22:43:19 +00:00
pair := strings.SplitN(tagsReplacer.Replace(tag), "=", 2)
2016-01-11 22:43:19 +00:00
if len(pair) < 2 {
line.Tags[tag] = ""
} else {
line.Tags[pair[0]] = pair[1]
if s[0] == ':' {
// remove a source and parse it
if idx := strings.Index(s, " "); idx != -1 {
line.Src, s = s[1:idx], s[idx+1:]
} else {
// pretty sure we shouldn't get here ...
return nil
// src can be the hostname of the irc server or a nick!user@host
line.Host = line.Src
if n, i, h, ok := parseUserHost(line.Src); ok {
line.Nick = n
line.Ident = i
line.Host = h
// now we're here, we've parsed a :nick!user@host or :server off
// s should contain "cmd args[] :text"
2011-08-03 07:04:01 +00:00
args := strings.SplitN(s, " :", 2)
if len(args) > 1 {
args = append(strings.Fields(args[0]), args[1])
} else {
args = strings.Fields(args[0])
line.Cmd = strings.ToUpper(args[0])
if len(args) > 1 {
line.Args = args[1:]
// So, I think CTCP and (in particular) CTCP ACTION are better handled as
// separate events as opposed to forcing people to have gargantuan
// handlers to cope with the possibilities.
if (line.Cmd == PRIVMSG || line.Cmd == NOTICE) &&
len(line.Args[1]) > 2 &&
strings.HasPrefix(line.Args[1], "\001") &&
strings.HasSuffix(line.Args[1], "\001") {
// WOO, it's a CTCP message
2011-08-03 07:03:08 +00:00
t := strings.SplitN(strings.Trim(line.Args[1], "\001"), " ", 2)
if len(t) > 1 {
// Replace the line with the unwrapped CTCP
line.Args[1] = t[1]
if c := strings.ToUpper(t[0]); c == ACTION && line.Cmd == PRIVMSG {
// make a CTCP ACTION it's own event a-la PRIVMSG
line.Cmd = c
} else {
// otherwise, dispatch a generic CTCP/CTCPREPLY event that
// contains the type of CTCP in line.Args[0]
if line.Cmd == PRIVMSG {
line.Cmd = CTCP
} else {
line.Cmd = CTCPREPLY
line.Args = append([]string{c}, line.Args...)
return line
func parseUserHost(uh string) (nick, ident, host string, ok bool) {
uh = strings.TrimSpace(uh)
nidx, uidx := strings.Index(uh, "!"), strings.Index(uh, "@")
if uidx == -1 || nidx == -1 {
return "", "", "", false
return uh[:nidx], uh[nidx+1 : uidx], uh[uidx+1:], true
func (line *Line) argslen(minlen int) bool {
pc, _, _, _ := runtime.Caller(1)
fn := runtime.FuncForPC(pc)
if len(line.Args) <= minlen {
logging.Warn("%s: too few arguments: %s", fn.Name(), strings.Join(line.Args, " "))
return false
return true