#!/bin/bash set -euo pipefail export KUBECONFIG=/tmp/kubeconfig if [ -z "${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_TOKEN:-}" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set 'kubernetes_token'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${PLUGIN_TAG:-}" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set 'tag'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${PLUGIN_REPO:-}" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set 'repo'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_SERVER:-}" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set 'kubernetes_server'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${PLUGIN_DEPLOYMENT:-}" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set 'deployment'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${PLUGIN_CONTAINER:-}" ]; then echo "ERROR: You must set 'container'" exit 1 fi if [ -z "${PLUGIN_NAMESPACE:-}" ]; then PLUGIN_NAMESPACE="default" fi if [ -z "${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_USER:-}" ]; then PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_USER="default" fi kubectl config set-credentials default --token=${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_TOKEN} if [ -z "${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_CERT:-}" ]; then echo "WARNING: Using insecure connection to cluster" kubectl config set-cluster default --server=${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_SERVER} --insecure-skip-tls-verify=true else echo "${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_CERT}" | base64 -d > ca.crt kubectl config set-cluster default --server=${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_SERVER} --certificate-authority=ca.crt fi kubectl config set-context default --cluster=default --user=${PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_USER} kubectl config use-context default IFS=',' read -r -a DEPLOYMENTS <<< "${PLUGIN_DEPLOYMENT:-}" IFS=',' read -r -a CONTAINERS <<< "${PLUGIN_CONTAINER:-}" for DEPLOY in ${DEPLOYMENTS[@]}; do echo Deploying to $PLUGIN_KUBERNETES_SERVER for CONTAINER in ${CONTAINERS[@]}; do if [ ${PLUGIN_FORCE:-} == "true" ]; then # force changing the image by changing it to the TAG + FORCE then changing it back kubectl -n ${PLUGIN_NAMESPACE} set image deployment/${DEPLOY} \ ${CONTAINER}=${PLUGIN_REPO}:${PLUGIN_TAG:-}FORCE fi kubectl -n ${PLUGIN_NAMESPACE} set image deployment/${DEPLOY} \ ${CONTAINER}=${PLUGIN_REPO}:${PLUGIN_TAG:-} --record done done