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Raw Normal View History

// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
Author: jim teeuwen <>
Dependencies: go-pkg-xmlx (
This package allows us to fetch Rss and Atom feeds from the internet.
They are parsed into an object tree which is a hyvrid of both the RSS and Atom
Supported feeds are:
- Rss v0.91, 0.91 and 2.0
- Atom 1.0
The package allows us to maintain cache timeout management. This prevents us
from querying the servers for feed updates too often and risk ip bams. Appart
from setting a cache timeout manually, the package also optionally adheres to
the TTL, SkipDays and SkipHours values specied in the feeds themselves.
Note that the TTL, SkipDays and SkipHour fields are only part of the RSS spec.
For Atom feeds, we use the CacheTimeout in the Feed struct.
Because the object structure is a hybrid between both RSS and Atom specs, not
all fields will be filled when requesting either an RSS or Atom feed. I have
tried to create as many shared fields as possiblem but some of them simply do
not occur in either the RSS or Atom spec.
package feeder
import "os"
import "http"
import "io"
import "time"
import "xmlx"
import "fmt"
import "strconv"
import "strings"
type Feed struct {
// Custom cache timeout in minutes.
CacheTimeout int;
// Make sure we adhere to the cache timeout specified in the feed. If
// our CacheTimeout is higher than that, we will use that instead.
EnforceCacheLimit bool;
// Type of feed. Rss, Atom, etc
Type string;
// Version of the feed. Major and Minor.
Version [2]int;
// Channels with content.
Channels []Channel;
// Url from which this feed was created.
Url string;
// Last time content was fetched. Used in conjunction with CacheTimeout
// to ensure we don't get content too often.
lastupdate int64;
func New(cachetimeout int, enforcecachelimit bool) *Feed {
return &Feed{
CacheTimeout: cachetimeout,
EnforceCacheLimit: enforcecachelimit,
Type: "none",
Version: [2]int{0, 0},
Channels: make([]Channel, 0),
func (this *Feed) addChannel(ch Channel) {
slice := make([]Channel, len(this.Channels) + 1);
for i,v := range this.Channels {
slice[i] = v;
slice[len(slice) - 1] = ch;
this.Channels = slice;
func (this *Feed) Fetch(uri string) (err os.Error) {
if !this.canUpdate() { return }
// Fetch data from remote location.
r, _, err := http.Get(uri);
if err != nil { return }
defer r.Body.Close();
b, err := io.ReadAll(r.Body);
if err != nil { return }
content := string(b);
this.Url = uri;
// Extract type and version of the feed so we can have the appropriate
// function parse it (rss 0.91, rss 0.92, rss 2, atom etc).
doc := xmlx.New();
err = doc.LoadString(content);
if err != nil { return }
this.Type, this.Version = this.GetVersionInfo(doc);
ok := this.testVersions();
if !ok {
err = os.NewError(fmt.Sprintf("Unsupported feed: %s, version: %+v", this.Type, this.Version));
err = this.buildFeed(doc);
if err != nil || len(this.Channels) == 0 { return }
// reset cache timeout values according to feed specified values (TTL)
if this.EnforceCacheLimit && this.CacheTimeout < this.Channels[0].TTL {
this.CacheTimeout = this.Channels[0].TTL;
func (this *Feed) canUpdate() bool {
// Make sure we are not within the specified cache-limit.
// This ensures we don't request data too often.
utc := time.UTC();
if utc.Seconds() - this.lastupdate < int64(this.CacheTimeout * 60) {
return false
// If skipDays or skipHours are set in the RSS feed, use these to see if
// we can update.
if len(this.Channels) == 0 && this.Type == "rss" {
if this.EnforceCacheLimit && len(this.Channels[0].SkipDays) > 0 {
for _ ,v := range this.Channels[0].SkipDays {
if v == utc.Weekday {
return false
if this.EnforceCacheLimit && len(this.Channels[0].SkipHours) > 0 {
for _ ,v := range this.Channels[0].SkipHours {
if v == utc.Hour {
return false
this.lastupdate = utc.Seconds();
return true
func (this *Feed) buildFeed(doc *xmlx.Document) (err os.Error) {
switch this.Type {
case "rss": err = this.readRss2(doc);
case "atom": err = this.readAtom(doc);
func (this *Feed) testVersions() bool {
switch this.Type {
case "rss":
if this.Version[0] > 2 || (this.Version[0] == 2 && this.Version[1] > 0) {
return false
case "atom":
if this.Version[0] > 1 || (this.Version[0] == 1 && this.Version[1] > 0) {
return false
return false
return true;
func (this *Feed) GetVersionInfo(doc *xmlx.Document) (ftype string, fversion [2]int) {
node := doc.SelectNode("", "feed");
if node == nil { goto rss }
ftype = "atom";
fversion = [2]int{1, 0};
node = doc.SelectNode("", "rss");
if node == nil { goto end }
ftype = "rss";
version := node.GetAttr("", "version");
p := strings.Index(version, ".");
major, _ := strconv.Atoi(version[0:p]);
minor, _ := strconv.Atoi(version[p+1 : len(version)]);
fversion = [2]int{major, minor};
ftype = "unknown";
fversion = [2]int{0, 0};