
851 lines
16 KiB

// This work is subject to the CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) Public Domain Dedication
// license. Its contents can be found at:
// http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/
package xmlx
These routines offer conversions between xml entities and their respective
unicode representations.
♣ -> ♣ -> ♣
π -> π -> π
Note that named entities are case sensitive.
"â" (â) is not the same as "Â" (Â).
import (
var reg_entnumeric = regexp.MustCompile("^&#[0-9]+;$")
var reg_entnamed = regexp.MustCompile("^&[a-zA-Z]+;$")
// Converts a single numerical html entity to a regular Go utf8-token.
func EntityToUtf8(entity string) string {
var ok bool
if ok = reg_entnamed.MatchString(entity); ok {
return namedEntityToUtf8(entity[1 : len(entity)-1])
if ok = reg_entnumeric.MatchString(entity); !ok {
return "&" + entity[2:len(entity)-1] + ";"
var err os.Error
var num int
entity = entity[2 : len(entity)-1]
if num, err = strconv.Atoi(entity); err != nil {
return "&#" + entity + ";"
var arr [4]byte
if size := utf8.EncodeRune(arr[:], rune(num)); size == 0 {
return "&#" + entity + ";"
return string(arr[:])
// Converts a single Go utf8-token to a Html entity.
func Utf8ToEntity(entity string) string {
if rune, size := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(entity); size != 0 {
return fmt.Sprintf("&#%d;", rune)
return entity
Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
Fills the supplied map with html entities mapped to their Go utf8
equivalents. This map can be assigned to xml.Parser.Entity
It will be used to map non-standard xml entities to a proper value.
If the parser encounters any unknown entities, it will throw a syntax
error and abort the parsing. Hence the ability to supply this map.
func loadNonStandardEntities(em map[string]string) {
em["pi"] = "\u03c0"
em["nabla"] = "\u2207"
em["isin"] = "\u2208"
em["loz"] = "\u25ca"
em["prop"] = "\u221d"
em["para"] = "\u00b6"
em["Aring"] = "\u00c5"
em["euro"] = "\u20ac"
em["sup3"] = "\u00b3"
em["sup2"] = "\u00b2"
em["sup1"] = "\u00b9"
em["prod"] = "\u220f"
em["gamma"] = "\u03b3"
em["perp"] = "\u22a5"
em["lfloor"] = "\u230a"
em["fnof"] = "\u0192"
em["frasl"] = "\u2044"
em["rlm"] = "\u200f"
em["omega"] = "\u03c9"
em["part"] = "\u2202"
em["euml"] = "\u00eb"
em["Kappa"] = "\u039a"
em["nbsp"] = "\u00a0"
em["Eacute"] = "\u00c9"
em["brvbar"] = "\u00a6"
em["otimes"] = "\u2297"
em["ndash"] = "\u2013"
em["thinsp"] = "\u2009"
em["nu"] = "\u03bd"
em["Upsilon"] = "\u03a5"
em["upsih"] = "\u03d2"
em["raquo"] = "\u00bb"
em["yacute"] = "\u00fd"
em["delta"] = "\u03b4"
em["eth"] = "\u00f0"
em["supe"] = "\u2287"
em["ne"] = "\u2260"
em["ni"] = "\u220b"
em["eta"] = "\u03b7"
em["uArr"] = "\u21d1"
em["image"] = "\u2111"
em["asymp"] = "\u2248"
em["oacute"] = "\u00f3"
em["rarr"] = "\u2192"
em["emsp"] = "\u2003"
em["acirc"] = "\u00e2"
em["shy"] = "\u00ad"
em["yuml"] = "\u00ff"
em["acute"] = "\u00b4"
em["int"] = "\u222b"
em["ccedil"] = "\u00e7"
em["Acirc"] = "\u00c2"
em["Ograve"] = "\u00d2"
em["times"] = "\u00d7"
em["weierp"] = "\u2118"
em["Tau"] = "\u03a4"
em["omicron"] = "\u03bf"
em["lt"] = "\u003c"
em["Mu"] = "\u039c"
em["Ucirc"] = "\u00db"
em["sub"] = "\u2282"
em["le"] = "\u2264"
em["sum"] = "\u2211"
em["sup"] = "\u2283"
em["lrm"] = "\u200e"
em["frac34"] = "\u00be"
em["Iota"] = "\u0399"
em["Ugrave"] = "\u00d9"
em["THORN"] = "\u00de"
em["rsaquo"] = "\u203a"
em["not"] = "\u00ac"
em["sigma"] = "\u03c3"
em["iuml"] = "\u00ef"
em["epsilon"] = "\u03b5"
em["spades"] = "\u2660"
em["theta"] = "\u03b8"
em["divide"] = "\u00f7"
em["Atilde"] = "\u00c3"
em["uacute"] = "\u00fa"
em["Rho"] = "\u03a1"
em["trade"] = "\u2122"
em["chi"] = "\u03c7"
em["agrave"] = "\u00e0"
em["or"] = "\u2228"
em["circ"] = "\u02c6"
em["middot"] = "\u00b7"
em["plusmn"] = "\u00b1"
em["aring"] = "\u00e5"
em["lsquo"] = "\u2018"
em["Yacute"] = "\u00dd"
em["oline"] = "\u203e"
em["copy"] = "\u00a9"
em["icirc"] = "\u00ee"
em["lowast"] = "\u2217"
em["Oacute"] = "\u00d3"
em["aacute"] = "\u00e1"
em["oplus"] = "\u2295"
em["crarr"] = "\u21b5"
em["thetasym"] = "\u03d1"
em["Beta"] = "\u0392"
em["laquo"] = "\u00ab"
em["rang"] = "\u232a"
em["tilde"] = "\u02dc"
em["Uuml"] = "\u00dc"
em["zwj"] = "\u200d"
em["mu"] = "\u03bc"
em["Ccedil"] = "\u00c7"
em["infin"] = "\u221e"
em["ouml"] = "\u00f6"
em["rfloor"] = "\u230b"
em["pound"] = "\u00a3"
em["szlig"] = "\u00df"
em["thorn"] = "\u00fe"
em["forall"] = "\u2200"
em["piv"] = "\u03d6"
em["rdquo"] = "\u201d"
em["frac12"] = "\u00bd"
em["frac14"] = "\u00bc"
em["Ocirc"] = "\u00d4"
em["Ecirc"] = "\u00ca"
em["kappa"] = "\u03ba"
em["Euml"] = "\u00cb"
em["minus"] = "\u2212"
em["cong"] = "\u2245"
em["hellip"] = "\u2026"
em["equiv"] = "\u2261"
em["cent"] = "\u00a2"
em["Uacute"] = "\u00da"
em["darr"] = "\u2193"
em["Eta"] = "\u0397"
em["sbquo"] = "\u201a"
em["rArr"] = "\u21d2"
em["igrave"] = "\u00ec"
em["uml"] = "\u00a8"
em["lambda"] = "\u03bb"
em["oelig"] = "\u0153"
em["harr"] = "\u2194"
em["ang"] = "\u2220"
em["clubs"] = "\u2663"
em["and"] = "\u2227"
em["permil"] = "\u2030"
em["larr"] = "\u2190"
em["Yuml"] = "\u0178"
em["cup"] = "\u222a"
em["Xi"] = "\u039e"
em["Alpha"] = "\u0391"
em["phi"] = "\u03c6"
em["ucirc"] = "\u00fb"
em["oslash"] = "\u00f8"
em["rsquo"] = "\u2019"
em["AElig"] = "\u00c6"
em["mdash"] = "\u2014"
em["psi"] = "\u03c8"
em["eacute"] = "\u00e9"
em["otilde"] = "\u00f5"
em["yen"] = "\u00a5"
em["gt"] = "\u003e"
em["Iuml"] = "\u00cf"
em["Prime"] = "\u2033"
em["Chi"] = "\u03a7"
em["ge"] = "\u2265"
em["reg"] = "\u00ae"
em["hearts"] = "\u2665"
em["auml"] = "\u00e4"
em["Agrave"] = "\u00c0"
em["sect"] = "\u00a7"
em["sube"] = "\u2286"
em["sigmaf"] = "\u03c2"
em["Gamma"] = "\u0393"
em["amp"] = "\u0026"
em["ensp"] = "\u2002"
em["ETH"] = "\u00d0"
em["Igrave"] = "\u00cc"
em["Omega"] = "\u03a9"
em["Lambda"] = "\u039b"
em["Omicron"] = "\u039f"
em["there4"] = "\u2234"
em["ntilde"] = "\u00f1"
em["xi"] = "\u03be"
em["dagger"] = "\u2020"
em["egrave"] = "\u00e8"
em["Delta"] = "\u0394"
em["OElig"] = "\u0152"
em["diams"] = "\u2666"
em["ldquo"] = "\u201c"
em["radic"] = "\u221a"
em["Oslash"] = "\u00d8"
em["Ouml"] = "\u00d6"
em["lceil"] = "\u2308"
em["uarr"] = "\u2191"
em["atilde"] = "\u00e3"
em["iquest"] = "\u00bf"
em["lsaquo"] = "\u2039"
em["Epsilon"] = "\u0395"
em["iacute"] = "\u00ed"
em["cap"] = "\u2229"
em["deg"] = "\u00b0"
em["Otilde"] = "\u00d5"
em["zeta"] = "\u03b6"
em["ocirc"] = "\u00f4"
em["scaron"] = "\u0161"
em["ecirc"] = "\u00ea"
em["ordm"] = "\u00ba"
em["tau"] = "\u03c4"
em["Auml"] = "\u00c4"
em["dArr"] = "\u21d3"
em["ordf"] = "\u00aa"
em["alefsym"] = "\u2135"
em["notin"] = "\u2209"
em["Pi"] = "\u03a0"
em["sdot"] = "\u22c5"
em["upsilon"] = "\u03c5"
em["iota"] = "\u03b9"
em["hArr"] = "\u21d4"
em["Sigma"] = "\u03a3"
em["lang"] = "\u2329"
em["curren"] = "\u00a4"
em["Theta"] = "\u0398"
em["lArr"] = "\u21d0"
em["Phi"] = "\u03a6"
em["Nu"] = "\u039d"
em["rho"] = "\u03c1"
em["alpha"] = "\u03b1"
em["iexcl"] = "\u00a1"
em["micro"] = "\u00b5"
em["cedil"] = "\u00b8"
em["Ntilde"] = "\u00d1"
em["Psi"] = "\u03a8"
em["Dagger"] = "\u2021"
em["Egrave"] = "\u00c8"
em["Icirc"] = "\u00ce"
em["nsub"] = "\u2284"
em["bdquo"] = "\u201e"
em["empty"] = "\u2205"
em["aelig"] = "\u00e6"
em["ograve"] = "\u00f2"
em["macr"] = "\u00af"
em["Zeta"] = "\u0396"
em["beta"] = "\u03b2"
em["sim"] = "\u223c"
em["uuml"] = "\u00fc"
em["Aacute"] = "\u00c1"
em["Iacute"] = "\u00cd"
em["exist"] = "\u2203"
em["prime"] = "\u2032"
em["rceil"] = "\u2309"
em["real"] = "\u211c"
em["zwnj"] = "\u200c"
em["bull"] = "\u2022"
em["quot"] = "\u0022"
em["Scaron"] = "\u0160"
em["ugrave"] = "\u00f9"
Portions © International Organization for Standardization 1986
Permission to copy in any form is granted for use with
conforming SGML systems and applications as defined in
ISO 8879, provided this notice is included in all copies.
func namedEntityToUtf8(name string) string {
switch name {
case "pi":
return "\u03c0"
case "nabla":
return "\u2207"
case "isin":
return "\u2208"
case "loz":
return "\u25ca"
case "prop":
return "\u221d"
case "para":
return "\u00b6"
case "Aring":
return "\u00c5"
case "euro":
return "\u20ac"
case "sup3":
return "\u00b3"
case "sup2":
return "\u00b2"
case "sup1":
return "\u00b9"
case "prod":
return "\u220f"
case "gamma":
return "\u03b3"
case "perp":
return "\u22a5"
case "lfloor":
return "\u230a"
case "fnof":
return "\u0192"
case "frasl":
return "\u2044"
case "rlm":
return "\u200f"
case "omega":
return "\u03c9"
case "part":
return "\u2202"
case "euml":
return "\u00eb"
case "Kappa":
return "\u039a"
case "nbsp":
return "\u00a0"
case "Eacute":
return "\u00c9"
case "brvbar":
return "\u00a6"
case "otimes":
return "\u2297"
case "ndash":
return "\u2013"
case "thinsp":
return "\u2009"
case "nu":
return "\u03bd"
case "Upsilon":
return "\u03a5"
case "upsih":
return "\u03d2"
case "raquo":
return "\u00bb"
case "yacute":
return "\u00fd"
case "delta":
return "\u03b4"
case "eth":
return "\u00f0"
case "supe":
return "\u2287"
case "ne":
return "\u2260"
case "ni":
return "\u220b"
case "eta":
return "\u03b7"
case "uArr":
return "\u21d1"
case "image":
return "\u2111"
case "asymp":
return "\u2248"
case "oacute":
return "\u00f3"
case "rarr":
return "\u2192"
case "emsp":
return "\u2003"
case "acirc":
return "\u00e2"
case "shy":
return "\u00ad"
case "yuml":
return "\u00ff"
case "acute":
return "\u00b4"
case "int":
return "\u222b"
case "ccedil":
return "\u00e7"
case "Acirc":
return "\u00c2"
case "Ograve":
return "\u00d2"
case "times":
return "\u00d7"
case "weierp":
return "\u2118"
case "Tau":
return "\u03a4"
case "omicron":
return "\u03bf"
case "lt":
return "\u003c"
case "Mu":
return "\u039c"
case "Ucirc":
return "\u00db"
case "sub":
return "\u2282"
case "le":
return "\u2264"
case "sum":
return "\u2211"
case "sup":
return "\u2283"
case "lrm":
return "\u200e"
case "frac34":
return "\u00be"
case "Iota":
return "\u0399"
case "Ugrave":
return "\u00d9"
case "THORN":
return "\u00de"
case "rsaquo":
return "\u203a"
case "not":
return "\u00ac"
case "sigma":
return "\u03c3"
case "iuml":
return "\u00ef"
case "epsilon":
return "\u03b5"
case "spades":
return "\u2660"
case "theta":
return "\u03b8"
case "divide":
return "\u00f7"
case "Atilde":
return "\u00c3"
case "uacute":
return "\u00fa"
case "Rho":
return "\u03a1"
case "trade":
return "\u2122"
case "chi":
return "\u03c7"
case "agrave":
return "\u00e0"
case "or":
return "\u2228"
case "circ":
return "\u02c6"
case "middot":
return "\u00b7"
case "plusmn":
return "\u00b1"
case "aring":
return "\u00e5"
case "lsquo":
return "\u2018"
case "Yacute":
return "\u00dd"
case "oline":
return "\u203e"
case "copy":
return "\u00a9"
case "icirc":
return "\u00ee"
case "lowast":
return "\u2217"
case "Oacute":
return "\u00d3"
case "aacute":
return "\u00e1"
case "oplus":
return "\u2295"
case "crarr":
return "\u21b5"
case "thetasym":
return "\u03d1"
case "Beta":
return "\u0392"
case "laquo":
return "\u00ab"
case "rang":
return "\u232a"
case "tilde":
return "\u02dc"
case "Uuml":
return "\u00dc"
case "zwj":
return "\u200d"
case "mu":
return "\u03bc"
case "Ccedil":
return "\u00c7"
case "infin":
return "\u221e"
case "ouml":
return "\u00f6"
case "rfloor":
return "\u230b"
case "pound":
return "\u00a3"
case "szlig":
return "\u00df"
case "thorn":
return "\u00fe"
case "forall":
return "\u2200"
case "piv":
return "\u03d6"
case "rdquo":
return "\u201d"
case "frac12":
return "\u00bd"
case "frac14":
return "\u00bc"
case "Ocirc":
return "\u00d4"
case "Ecirc":
return "\u00ca"
case "kappa":
return "\u03ba"
case "Euml":
return "\u00cb"
case "minus":
return "\u2212"
case "cong":
return "\u2245"
case "hellip":
return "\u2026"
case "equiv":
return "\u2261"
case "cent":
return "\u00a2"
case "Uacute":
return "\u00da"
case "darr":
return "\u2193"
case "Eta":
return "\u0397"
case "sbquo":
return "\u201a"
case "rArr":
return "\u21d2"
case "igrave":
return "\u00ec"
case "uml":
return "\u00a8"
case "lambda":
return "\u03bb"
case "oelig":
return "\u0153"
case "harr":
return "\u2194"
case "ang":
return "\u2220"
case "clubs":
return "\u2663"
case "and":
return "\u2227"
case "permil":
return "\u2030"
case "larr":
return "\u2190"
case "Yuml":
return "\u0178"
case "cup":
return "\u222a"
case "Xi":
return "\u039e"
case "Alpha":
return "\u0391"
case "phi":
return "\u03c6"
case "ucirc":
return "\u00fb"
case "oslash":
return "\u00f8"
case "rsquo":
return "\u2019"
case "AElig":
return "\u00c6"
case "mdash":
return "\u2014"
case "psi":
return "\u03c8"
case "eacute":
return "\u00e9"
case "otilde":
return "\u00f5"
case "yen":
return "\u00a5"
case "gt":
return "\u003e"
case "Iuml":
return "\u00cf"
case "Prime":
return "\u2033"
case "Chi":
return "\u03a7"
case "ge":
return "\u2265"
case "reg":
return "\u00ae"
case "hearts":
return "\u2665"
case "auml":
return "\u00e4"
case "Agrave":
return "\u00c0"
case "sect":
return "\u00a7"
case "sube":
return "\u2286"
case "sigmaf":
return "\u03c2"
case "Gamma":
return "\u0393"
case "amp":
return "\u0026"
case "ensp":
return "\u2002"
case "ETH":
return "\u00d0"
case "Igrave":
return "\u00cc"
case "Omega":
return "\u03a9"
case "Lambda":
return "\u039b"
case "Omicron":
return "\u039f"
case "there4":
return "\u2234"
case "ntilde":
return "\u00f1"
case "xi":
return "\u03be"
case "dagger":
return "\u2020"
case "egrave":
return "\u00e8"
case "Delta":
return "\u0394"
case "OElig":
return "\u0152"
case "diams":
return "\u2666"
case "ldquo":
return "\u201c"
case "radic":
return "\u221a"
case "Oslash":
return "\u00d8"
case "Ouml":
return "\u00d6"
case "lceil":
return "\u2308"
case "uarr":
return "\u2191"
case "atilde":
return "\u00e3"
case "iquest":
return "\u00bf"
case "lsaquo":
return "\u2039"
case "Epsilon":
return "\u0395"
case "iacute":
return "\u00ed"
case "cap":
return "\u2229"
case "deg":
return "\u00b0"
case "Otilde":
return "\u00d5"
case "zeta":
return "\u03b6"
case "ocirc":
return "\u00f4"
case "scaron":
return "\u0161"
case "ecirc":
return "\u00ea"
case "ordm":
return "\u00ba"
case "tau":
return "\u03c4"
case "Auml":
return "\u00c4"
case "dArr":
return "\u21d3"
case "ordf":
return "\u00aa"
case "alefsym":
return "\u2135"
case "notin":
return "\u2209"
case "Pi":
return "\u03a0"
case "sdot":
return "\u22c5"
case "upsilon":
return "\u03c5"
case "iota":
return "\u03b9"
case "hArr":
return "\u21d4"
case "Sigma":
return "\u03a3"
case "lang":
return "\u2329"
case "curren":
return "\u00a4"
case "Theta":
return "\u0398"
case "lArr":
return "\u21d0"
case "Phi":
return "\u03a6"
case "Nu":
return "\u039d"
case "rho":
return "\u03c1"
case "alpha":
return "\u03b1"
case "iexcl":
return "\u00a1"
case "micro":
return "\u00b5"
case "cedil":
return "\u00b8"
case "Ntilde":
return "\u00d1"
case "Psi":
return "\u03a8"
case "Dagger":
return "\u2021"
case "Egrave":
return "\u00c8"
case "Icirc":
return "\u00ce"
case "nsub":
return "\u2284"
case "bdquo":
return "\u201e"
case "empty":
return "\u2205"
case "aelig":
return "\u00e6"
case "ograve":
return "\u00f2"
case "macr":
return "\u00af"
case "Zeta":
return "\u0396"
case "beta":
return "\u03b2"
case "sim":
return "\u223c"
case "uuml":
return "\u00fc"
case "Aacute":
return "\u00c1"
case "Iacute":
return "\u00cd"
case "exist":
return "\u2203"
case "prime":
return "\u2032"
case "rceil":
return "\u2309"
case "real":
return "\u211c"
case "zwnj":
return "\u200c"
case "bull":
return "\u2022"
case "quot":
return "\u0022"
case "Scaron":
return "\u0160"
case "ugrave":
return "\u00f9"
return "&" + name + ";"