Node.GetValueXXX() and Node.GetAttrX() functions are now changed to Node.X() and Node.AX() functions. The old ones still exist, so your code will not break, but we recommend you use the shorter names from now on. These have been added to reduce the amount of typing needed when using this package to extract typed node/attribute values. Added node.B() and node.Ab() to retrieve boolean values. README updated to reflect the changes.

This commit is contained in:
jim teeuwen 2010-12-19 21:45:42 +01:00
parent d0d1c2f9f5
commit bacbff0e71
2 changed files with 183 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -37,19 +37,22 @@
Each node exposes also a number of functions which allow easy access to a node
value or an attribute value. They come in various forms to allow transparent
conversion to types like int, int64, float, float32, float64, etc:
conversion to types: int, int64, uint, uint64, float, float32, float64:
*node.GetValue(ns, name string) string;
*node.GetValuei(ns, name string) int;
*node.GetValuei64(ns, name string) int64;
*node.GetValuef(ns, name string) float;
*node.GetValuef32(ns, name string) float32;
*node.GetValuef64(ns, name string) float64;
*node.S(ns, name string) string
*node.I(ns, name string) int
*node.I64(ns, name string) int64
*node.U(ns, name string) uint
*node.U64(ns, name string) uint64
*node.F(ns, name string) float
*node.F32(ns, name string) float32
*node.F64(ns, name string) float64
*node.B(namespace, name string) bool
Note that the GetValue() functions actually consider child nodes for matching
names as well as the current node. In effect they first perform a
node.SelectNode() and then return the value of the resulting node converted to
the appripriate type. This allows you to do this:
Note that these functions actually consider child nodes for matching names as
well as the current node. In effect they first perform a node.SelectNode() and
then return the value of the resulting node converted to the appropriate type.
This allows you to do this:
Consider this piece of xml:
@ -58,23 +61,26 @@
Now this code:
node := doc.SelectNode("", "car");
brand := node.GetValue("", "brand");
node := doc.SelectNode("", "car")
brand := node.S("", "brand")
Eventhough 'brand' is not the name of @node, we still get the right value
back (BMW), because GetValue searches through the child nodes when looking
back (BMW), because node.S() searches through the child nodes when looking
for the value if the current node does not match the given namespace and
For attributes, we only go through the attributes of the current node this
function is invoked on:
*node.GetAttr(ns, name string) string;
*node.GetAttri(ns, name string) int;
*node.GetAttri64(ns, name string) int64;
*node.GetAttrf(ns, name string) float;
*node.GetAttrf32(ns, name string) float32;
*node.GetAttrf64(ns, name string) float64;
*node.As(ns, name string) string
*node.Ai(ns, name string) int
*node.Ai64(ns, name string) int64
*node.Au(ns, name string) uint
*node.Au64(ns, name string) uint64
*node.Af(ns, name string) float
*node.Af32(ns, name string) float32
*node.Af64(ns, name string) float64
*node.Ab(namespace, name string) bool
All of these functions return either "" or 0 when the specified node or
attribute could not be found. No errors are generated.

View File

@ -53,86 +53,119 @@ func (this *Node) Unmarshal(obj interface{}) os.Error {
// Get node value as string
func (this *Node) GetValue(namespace, name string) string {
node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
if node == nil {
return ""
func (this *Node) S(namespace, name string) string {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil {
return node.Value
return node.Value
return ""
// Deprecated - use Node.S()
func (this *Node) GetValue(namespace, name string) string { return this.S(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as int
func (this *Node) GetValuei(namespace, name string) int {
node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
if node == nil || node.Value == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) I(namespace, name string) int {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(node.Value)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.I()
func (this *Node) GetValuei(namespace, name string) int { return this.I(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as int64
func (this *Node) GetValuei64(namespace, name string) int64 {
node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
if node == nil || node.Value == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) I64(namespace, name string) int64 {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi64(node.Value)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atoi64(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.I64()
func (this *Node) GetValuei64(namespace, name string) int64 { return this.I64(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as uint
func (this *Node) GetValueui(namespace, name string) uint {
node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
if node == nil || node.Value == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) U(namespace, name string) uint {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoui(node.Value)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atoui(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.U()
func (this *Node) GetValueui(namespace, name string) uint { return this.U(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as uint64
func (this *Node) GetValueui64(namespace, name string) uint64 {
node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
if node == nil || node.Value == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) U64(namespace, name string) uint64 {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoui64(node.Value)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atoui64(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.U64()
func (this *Node) GetValueui64(namespace, name string) uint64 { return this.U64(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as float
func (this *Node) GetValuef(namespace, name string) float {
node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
if node == nil || node.Value == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) F(namespace, name string) float {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof(node.Value)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atof(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.F()
func (this *Node) GetValuef(namespace, name string) float { return this.F(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as float32
func (this *Node) GetValuef32(namespace, name string) float32 {
node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
if node == nil || node.Value == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) F32(namespace, name string) float32 {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof32(node.Value)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atof32(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.F32()
func (this *Node) GetValuef32(namespace, name string) float32 { return this.F32(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as float64
func (this *Node) GetValuef64(namespace, name string) float64 {
node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name)
if node == nil || node.Value == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) F64(namespace, name string) float64 {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof64(node.Value)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atof64(node.Value)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.F64()
func (this *Node) GetValuef64(namespace, name string) float64 { return this.F64(namespace, name) }
// Get node value as bool
func (this *Node) B(namespace, name string) bool {
if node := rec_SelectNode(this, namespace, name); node != nil && node.Value != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atob(node.Value)
return n
return false
// Get attribute value as string
func (this *Node) GetAttr(namespace, name string) string {
func (this *Node) As(namespace, name string) string {
for _, v := range this.Attributes {
if namespace == v.Name.Space && name == v.Name.Local {
return v.Value
@ -141,76 +174,110 @@ func (this *Node) GetAttr(namespace, name string) string {
return ""
// Deprecated - use Node.As()
func (this *Node) GetAttr(namespace, name string) string { return this.As(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as int
func (this *Node) GetAttri(namespace, name string) int {
s := this.GetAttr(namespace, name)
if s == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) Ai(namespace, name string) int {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atoi(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Ai()
func (this *Node) GetAttri(namespace, name string) int { return this.Ai(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as uint
func (this *Node) GetAttrui(namespace, name string) uint {
s := this.GetAttr(namespace, name)
if s == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) Au(namespace, name string) uint {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoui(s)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atoui(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Au()
func (this *Node) GetAttrui(namespace, name string) uint { return this.Au(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as uint64
func (this *Node) GetAttrui64(namespace, name string) uint64 {
s := this.GetAttr(namespace, name)
if s == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) Au64(namespace, name string) uint64 {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoui64(s)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atoui64(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Au64()
func (this *Node) GetAttrui64(namespace, name string) uint64 { return this.Au64(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as int64
func (this *Node) GetAttri64(namespace, name string) int64 {
s := this.GetAttr(namespace, name)
if s == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) Ai64(namespace, name string) int64 {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atoi64(s)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atoi64(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Ai64()
func (this *Node) GetAttri64(namespace, name string) int64 { return this.Ai64(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as float
func (this *Node) GetAttrf(namespace, name string) float {
s := this.GetAttr(namespace, name)
if s == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) Af(namespace, name string) float {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof(s)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atof(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Af()
func (this *Node) GetAttrf(namespace, name string) float { return this.Af(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as float32
func (this *Node) GetAttrf32(namespace, name string) float32 {
s := this.GetAttr(namespace, name)
if s == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) Af32(namespace, name string) float32 {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof32(s)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atof32(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Af32()
func (this *Node) GetAttrf32(namespace, name string) float32 { return this.Af32(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as float64
func (this *Node) GetAttrf64(namespace, name string) float64 {
s := this.GetAttr(namespace, name)
if s == "" {
return 0
func (this *Node) Af64(namespace, name string) float64 {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atof64(s)
return n
n, _ := strconv.Atof64(s)
return n
return 0
// Deprecated - use Node.Af64()
func (this *Node) GetAttrf64(namespace, name string) float64 { return this.Af64(namespace, name) }
// Get attribute value as bool
func (this *Node) Ab(namespace, name string) bool {
if s := this.As(namespace, name); s != "" {
n, _ := strconv.Atob(s)
return n
return false
// Returns true if this node has the specified attribute. False otherwise.
func (this *Node) HasAttr(namespace, name string) bool {
for _, v := range this.Attributes {